From February 1st 2024, the way we schedule Club sessions will change to make better use of the pool time, enable more consistent coaching and add flexibility to our members and swimmers.
All members will pay the same monthly fee (£35) which will give swimmers the choice of swimming both Tuesday AND Thursday or either of the 2 days according to their availability.
Swimmers will be allocated to lanes depending on their skill level so that the coaches can focus on improvements for everyone.
More junior swimmers will swim for 1 hour with a focus on developing technique and aquatic skills. Older and more experienced swimmers will have the pool for 2 hours where focus will include development of stamina and speed whilst not forgetting technique. (They can, of course, leave earlier if they are tired, unwell or simply "had enough" for the session!)
Coaches are always looking out for signs of fatigue and at all times remain mindful that our swimmers are children and need to have fun whilst they learn and develop,